A: I think John should avoid eating ice cream. It doesn”t contain that many calories as a chocolate bar does, but still, it has too much sugar.
B: I agree. He”d rather eat fruit, like oranges, for example. And if he doesn”t prefer peeling them, then he can always get an orange juice from the market or, even better, squeeze it himself.
A: That”s right. What do you think about pizza?
B: Well, if I were him, I would cut down on pizza. It has too many carbs, even though it contains some other healthy ingredients, such as arugula, tomatoes, mushrooms or olives.
A: I think that a sandwich is a wiser choice, given that you can control the butter in it, unlike the pizza dough.
B: Yes, that”s right. Well, he”d better eat more fish and vegetables. Those contain many proteins and healthy fats that help increase HDL, that is „the good cholesterol.
A: Definitely. John should also avoid cheeseburgers, French fries or biscuits. They do not provide nourishment for our body.
B: I agree as well. Not to mention Coke, especially Diet Coke. This one tricks our body into thinking that it is going to receive sugar whereas the pancreas produces insulin. According to researchers, it appears that this frequent process can seriously damage our health by causing heart and kidney problems and, in a bizarre way, it can lead to weight gain.