
Match a word from column A with a word from column B . Make up sentences. Column A Column B comfortable pond deep helmet protective rule safety place trained car dangerous lifeguard busy crossing

Răspuns :


Cerință - Trebuie să unim cuvintele din coloana A cu cele din coloana B, iar apoi să alcătuim enunțuri cu ele.

Cuvintele sunt:

  • comfortable car = mașină confortabilă
  • deep pond = lac adânc
  • protective helmet = cască de protecție
  • safety rules = reguli de siguranță
  • trained lifeguard = salvamar instruit/antrenat
  • dangerous place = loc periculos
  • busy crossing = trecere de pietoni aglomerată


  1. My dad's new car was expensive, but it is a very comfortable car.
  2. The thrown rock has sunk, and it is not at the bottom of the deep pond.
  3. It is mandatory that you wear a protective helmet while working here.
  4. The safety rules are there to make sure nobody gets hurt.
  5. A trained lifeguard can easily spot a drowning person and will pull them out of the water.
  6. During nighttime, this can be a very dangerous place.
  7. This is usually a busy crossing, especially during rush hour.

- Lumberjack25