
Fill in the gaps with will or the correct form of be going to
A. I.m cold
B.i................put the heating on

A.why did mum and dad buy so much meat?
B.They ..............invite the jackson to dinner tommorow

A.The washing machine isn't working!
B. I..........phone repair man.

A. My jacket's still has the dry cleaners.
B. i know. I......... pick it up this afternoon.

A.i can.t do my homework!
B.Ask dad. I'm sure he..............help you.

A.I've got a headache
B.I...............bring you an aspirin.

A.Why is Karen wearing her trainers.
B.She................play tennis with ray.

A.What's on TV tonight?
B.I'm not sure. I ..................look in the TV guide.

A.I need to go to the stadion.
B.Okay, i................take you in the car.

A.Did you phone grandma?
B.Not yet, but I .....................phone her this evening.
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