How could this happen to me?
I live in a beautiful country, where everything is almost perfect, life is good, people are educated, the economy is good enough but I an not happy. The weather is bad, too much rain, it is not every day but it happened frequently. i am far away from friends and family, how could this happened to me? Why did I left my country, why did I come here and how long willl I stay here....those questions are in my mind at the moment.
For the first time in my life I feel mentally affected, nothing is how it suppose to be, I feel like i lose control. i need a quick change in my life, i need some inspiration, some rest, maybe a holiday and more time for me.
i usually ask me how could this happen to me because I feel me stopped by a depression whose cause I do not know exactly.
I will start thinking more about myself, love more myself, do what I like and of course, take the right decision.