2 (a): Good comes from doing good - when you realise good deeds, immediately you will start seeing results, because when you do you something good to someone, not for money, not for anything in return, just a Random Act of Kindness (RAK), goodness will be on it's way to you.
2(b): 1: In my opinion, it was early spring or late autumn because the boy was wearing a shirt and cotton long pants
2: When I read the story, I imagined a twelve year old boy.
3: In my opinion, the boy was given vegetables, fruit and lean meats.
1: It isn't common for a farmer to have a son going to the best schools because Farmers don't normally have a high income.
2: This legend shows that good comes from doing good by the farmer saving the wealthy man's son and getting a reward for his own son in the form of education.
dry land - wet land
light fight - darkness fight
get into - get out of
disappear - appear
be absent from school - be present at school
the worst - the best
earlier - later