A:Hello,welcome to our shop,may I help you with something ?
B:Yes please. About a week ago I purchased a TV from here and it is not working anymore
A:I can totally help you with that,do you still have de reciep from the purchase ?
B:Yes,here you are
A:Because you puchased it only a week ago and you still have the reciep there are a few things you could do
B:And what would that things be ?
A:You can either get this TV the get repaird,you can get a new one or you can get your money back,what would you like to do ?
B:I would really like to get another TV just like this one
A:Sure,no problem.Do you have the TV that is not working here ?
B:Yes,it`s in my car
A:Perfect.We can go grab it and I will send it to the reparation department to see what is wrong with it and after that I will get you another TV just like that one
B:Thank you so much for helping me!
A:I should be thanking you,I am sorry that this TV wasn`t working ,maybe it had some internal problems.Thank you for your time and I jope to see you in our shop again