
Urgent !!! Treceti la Afirmativ , Interogativ , Negativ in engleza urmatoarele propoziti :
Noi am fost la mare anul trecut .
Voi ati fost la picnic saptamana trecuta .
Sora ta a fost in moll luna trecuta .
El a avut o bicicleta rosie .
Bunicul lui a avut un cal si o caruta.
Bunica noastra a avut un radio .

Răspuns :

1. Aff: We were at the sea last year.
Neg:We weren't at the sea last year.
Int:Were you at sea last year?

2.Aff: You were at the picnic last week.
Neg:You weren't at the picnic last week.
Int:Were you at the picnic last week?

3.Aff: Your sister was in mall last month. 
Neg: Your sister wasn't in mall last month.
Int:Was your sister in mall last month?

4. Aff: He had a red bicycle.
Neg: He don't had a red bicycle.
Int: he has a red bicycle?

5. Aff: His grandfather had a horse and a cart.
Neg. His grandfather don't had a horse and a cart.
Int: His grandfather has a horse and a cart?

6.Aff: Our grandmother had a radio.
Neg: Our grandmother don't had a radio.
Int. Our grandmother has a radio?

Sper ca e bine. Succes!