
Pagina 93 exercițiul 1b .Dau coroana

Pagina 93 Exercițiul 1b Dau Coroana class=
Pagina 93 Exercițiul 1b Dau Coroana class=

Răspuns :

Countries where found: Countries with high tourism
Nesting site: in remote areas, where volunteers guard and protect areas
Number of eggs laid: More than one
Incubation period: before the baby turtles get lost and wander inland
Natural predators: wild animals and humans
Numbers in 1942 survey: 4200
Numbers in 1995 survey:1429
Effect of tourism: Tourism causes buildings to be made that block sunlight and confuse newly hatched turtles, tread on nesting sites, make turtle egg and turtle soup popular and are a predator now-a-days to turtles, thus declining the turtle population