Ajutor!!!!!!!!!!Open the brackets using the Complex Object.

Open the brackets using the Complex Object.
Deschideți parantezele folosind structura de „Complex Object” (substantiv/pronume + verb la participiu I / verb la infinitiv)
1. I heard him running into the room. I think he is still there.
2. Don't make them learn the poem about Moldova by heart.
3. Let the students speak of historical events about their country.
4. We saw her coming to see her grandparents some days ago.
5. I don't like people to make other people work instead of them.
6. He never lets us go on picnics. Why?
7. Did you watch anybody to read those books in the library last week?
8. I want them to go to the Art Museum to see the pictures of the 19th century.
9. He didn't make us write about that terrible accident.
10. The teacher let the students come into the classroom.
Complex Object este o structură gramaticală care combină substantivul sau pronumele cu un verb la infinitiv sau Participiu I (forma terminată în -ing).
1. După verbele let și make se pune întotdeauna infinitivul fără „to”:
2. Verbe de percepție (to hear, to see, to notice) + verb la participiu I / verb la infinitiv
3. Verbe care exprimă dorința/necesitatea (to want, to wish, to desire):
Participiul I ca parte a unui Complex Object evidențiază ideea că acțiunea este în desfășurare, în timp ce infinitivul doar denumește acțiunea.