
10 propoziti la trecut simplu cu verbe regulate si traducerea

Răspuns :

I walked in your room. = Am mers in camera ta.
I locked the door. = Am incuiat usa.
You tasted the cake. =Tu ai gustat prajitura.
You believed in me. = Tu ai crezut in mine.
I cared about my project. = Mi a pasat de proiectul meu.
I painted this picture. = Eu am pictat aceasta pictura.
You played with my ball.= Tu te ai jucat cu mingea mea.
You saved my life.= Tu mi ai salvat viata.
He needed your help.= El a avut nevoie de ajutorul tau.
You laughed last night.= Tu ai ras noaptea trecuta
1 I stayed home for 4 days
am stat acasa 4 zile
2 I visited Rome last year
am vizitat Roma anul trecut
3 He jumped higher than his cousin
el a sarit mai sus decat verisorul sau
4 She cooked a delicious apple pie 
ea a gatit o delicioasa plainta cu mere
5 They finished the exercise
ei au terminat exercitiul
6 Marie changed her hairstyle 
Marie si-a schimbat coafura
7 We danced break-dance
noi am dansat break-dance
8 Jane hopped to find the  puppy
9 John baked some strawberry filled cupcakes
10 You tried to sing the song with no piano  lessons