1. Listen and repeat
Asculta si intelege
a) The post office is behind the school.
Posta este in spatele scolii.
b) The school is in front of the post office.
Scoala este in fata postei.
c) The police station si near the railway station.
Postul de politie este langa gara.
d) The train is in the station.
Trenul este in statie.
e) The park is behind the library.
Parcul este in spatele bibliotecii.
f) The library is in the park.
Biblioteca este in parc.
g) The cinema is in front of the library.
Cinematograful este in fata bibliotecii.
2. Use behind and in front of to complete the sentences.
Foloseste cuvintele in spatele sau in fata pentru a completa propozitiile.
a) The cinema is in front of the library.
Cinematograful este in fata bibliotecii.
b) The police station is behind the railway station.
Postul de politie este in spatele garii.
c) The school is in front of the post office.
Scoala este in fata postului de politie.