
traduceti :
Buna, Daniel!
-Buna, Andrei!
-Incurand va veni vacanta de vara mult asteptata, unde ai vrea sa te duci?
-Nu stiu, parintii mei nu vor sa ma duca in vacante, ei spun ca sunt ar trebui sa merg in tabere, dar profesorii nostri nu fac niciodata asa ceva. Tu unde mergi?
-Eu merg in Anglia cu scoala mea, mi-au spus ca pot invita un prieten, ai vrea sa vii?
-Da, mama m-ar lasa, stiind ca exersez si engleza si suntem si cu alti prieteni.

Răspuns :

-Hello, Daniel !
-Hello, Andrei !
-Soon  it will come  the long-awaited  summer vacantion, where do you like to  go?
-I don't know, my parents don't want   to  bring me into a vacantion,  they say that  I should go on a camp, but our teachers  never do something like that. Where do you want to go?
-I go in England with my school, they told me that I can invite a friend, would you like to come?
-Yes, my mother would let me, she knew that I would practice my english and  I would be with other friends.
-Hello, Daniel!
-Hi , Andrew!
-Soon summer break will come , were would you like to go?
-I don't know, my parents don't let me go on a vacation, they say i should go to camps, but our teachers don't do that. Anyways, where are you going?
-I'm going to England with my school they said we could invite a friend, Would you like to go?
-Yes, my mom would let me, knowing i'd exercise my English  and we are going with other friend