
Un text in care sa se spuna argumente pro si contra despre internet,acesta trebuie sa aibe 200 de cuvinte !

Răspuns :

Internetul poate fi folositor pentru a găsi informații, pentru a se uita la documentare, pentru a se relaxa (ascultând muzica etc.) dar poate fi si periculos pentru ochi daca stam pre mult timp pe internet.
Sper ca ți-am dat o idee ;):)
The internet is good because:You can talk with your friends,you can see people that are too far from your city,you can learn new stuff,you can listen to muzic and have fun.
The internet is not good because:It's very dangerous,There are bad peoples out there,you can actually talk with someone you think you know but it can be a fake account,you can get in trouble by talking with people,you can get too obsessed with it and get dependent,your easy are not gonna be as strong as they did and more other stuff.