
Traduceti in limba engleza:
1)Ploaia a inceput acum o jumatate de ora.
2)Este trist pentru ca a primit o veste proasta.
3)De curand am inceput un curs de limba chineza.
4)Nu l-am mai vazut in ultima vreme.
5)Bolnavul se simte mai bine decand ia aceste medicamente.
6)Cand l-ai vazut ultima data?
7)Ce mi-ai adus?
8)Ai spart geamul si o sa fii pedepsit.
9)El inca nu a plecat la scoala.
10)Ei nu m-au mintit niciodata.
Va rog,fara traducere automata.

Răspuns :

1 ) The rain started half an hour ago.
2 ) It is sad that it has received bad news.
3 ) Recently, I started a course in Chinese.
4 ) I've seen lately.
5 ) The patient feel better ever since take these drugs.
6 ) When you saw him last time?
7 ) What did you bring?
8 ) You broke the window and you will be punished.
9 ) He still hasn't gone to school.
10 ) The wouldn't have lied before