
read the text on the right and guess the meaning of these words
baggy ,long-sleeved,zip-up,tight ,slogans vă rogg multtt

Răspuns :

baggy = larg
long-sleeved = cu maneca lunga 
zip-up = inchide fermoarul 
tight = stramt 
slogans = sloganuri 
Baggy - loose and hanging in folds
    ex: Baggy trousers.
long-sleeved - Having sleeves that reach to the wrist.
   ex: ‘a long-sleeved shirt’
zip-up - of a pocket, bag, able to be fastened with a zip.
   ex: "a white zip-up jacket"
tight - fixed, fastened, or closed firmly
   ex: "she twisted her handkerchief into a tight knot"
slogans - 
a short and striking or memorable phrase used in advertising.
   ex: "a series of arson attacks gave new meaning to the advertising slogan ‘come home to a real fire’"

Si data viitoare te rog sa faci o poza sau sa pui si textul,mult noroc.