sport-athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess
shore-the land along the edge of a sea, lake, broad river
image-form; appearance; semblance
colllection- group of objects or an amount ofmaterial accumulated in one location
monograph- biographical study or study often works of one artist.
C)to travel all across-to go everywhere
to track down- to register
to consist of-to reassemble
to put apart-to comprise
to be placed-to be put together
to cover-to dismantle
to include all-to put together
D)I tried to cover the mess he did.
I successfully tracked down his IP adress.
I really want to go everywhere in my life.
This substance consist of toxic elements.
Those friends are put apart.
I tried to include all in my project.
He will be placed safely.
Nu l-am stiut pe A).