1.That's right. Television help people in getting more information about life in other countries, especially news reports, interviews and documentaries.
2.It's a pity that people prefer watching television instead of reading books, but I guess this depends on their level of education and background too.
3.Advertising brings a lot of money to tv channels, and it is quite necessary in order for them to financially survive.
4.People can also relax by listening to music, reading, dancing or going for a walk.
5.Some people move more than others, but life is very stressing nowadays and television offers them a bit of relaxation .
6.Animals seem to be attracted by the colors and sounds of the tv, but I doubt they can understand something.
People hadn't talked over the phone before 1876.
People hadn't used electric bulbs before 1860.
People hadn't traveled in space before 1961.
People hadn't listened to the radio before 1924.
People hadn't watched tv before 1926.
People hadn't played computer games before 1981.
People hadn't driven cars before 1895.