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American teenagers spend more than 100 billion dollars a year.So it's no surprise that big companies want to find out what teenagers want. Mani companie have 'focus groups':groups of teenagers who give their opinions on products who give their opinions on products like clothes ,food, computer games and softeare. Some companies also employ specialist consultants like Josh.

Răspuns :

Adolescenti americanii au cheltuit mai mult de 100 de bilioane de dolare intre-un an.Deci nu este o surpriza ca acele companii vor sa gaseasca ceea ce adolescentii vor. Mai multe companii s-au focusat pe grupuri de adolescenti care si-au spus pareriile pe produse care si-au spus parerile despre produse haine mancare jocuri de calculator si software-uri. Cateva companii de asemenea angajeaza consultanti specialist ca Josh