
descrietimi cartea voastra preferata in engleza. numele,autorul,ce fel de carte e,cate capitole are, personaje(principale ,secundare),actiunea cartii(unde se petrece actiunea cartii ),o descriere scurata de genul This book is about... ,dece si cui o recomandatii(detalii)

Răspuns :

My favoirite book is Fifty Shades of Grey, by E. L. James. It has 22 chapters. The principal charactees are Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey. The secondary ones are Anastasia's boss: Jack Hyde, Taylor the bodyguard, Mrs. Robinson, and many more. The place that is happening in the story hasn't a perfect locasion (nu știu cum să scriu "locaţie" în engleză). This book is about Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey getting back toghether. While Christian is fighting with his own demons, Anastasia is fighting with the jealousy of other women, wich have been in his bed before her. Plus, she needs to take the most important decision in her life. I recomend this book to all the teenagers in the world, who like romance books, like me, because it's a beautiful story.

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