
Cine imi poate face si mie un dialog intre 2 persoane care se contrazic?(in engleza)
Adica,unuia sa ii placa fotbalul ,iar altuia sa ii placa baschetul si sa se contrazica intre ei ca sportul lor este mai frumos.Sper ca intelegeti.Si sa spuneti de ce ii place acel sport la fiecare.

Răspuns :

- I am a fan of football. I play it every Saturday with my father.
- I hate football. My favourite sport is basketball. It's more fun to play and also helps you grow taller. 
- Basketball? I tried it once and it was very boring. In football, everything is more dynamic. When I watch football on T.V, I always get excited like I am on the field. My favourite team is (pune si tu numele echipei preferate aici).
- Football is for little boys. Basketball is for men. You need to watch an MBA game before you judge. For me, basketball is life.
- Whatever. You will never convince me that basketball is better than football, simply because football is the most loved sport on the planet. I dare you to watch the World Cup with me next summer.
- It's a deal, but you also need to watch some MBA games with me. 
- Okay. Deal.