
Scrie o compunere in engleza in care sa iti imaginezi ca esti un agent secret si pleci intr-o misiune. VA ROG REPEDE. DAU COROANA!

Răspuns :

I always dreamed to be an secret agent. It would be so much fun! You are probably asking "How is being a secret agent fun?" I'all explain it to you.
First: Clothes. Some special clothes , like a black suit , with a hat , and some gloves... Something comfortable I guess , being a secret agent means a lot of running from bad guys!
Second: The skills. If you'd be an agent , you've got to know martial arts or karate. Learning them should be fun!
Third: The secret identity. Acting like someone else isn't pretty easy, but I think it's funny trying to learn how to act like normal people while being some super secret agent.
The missions would be fun! All the three things above mixed up in one day! Hope I'll be a martial art expert , with a great suit , and secret identity!

Sper că e bun , L-am facut mai amuzant :)