
you whould like to go go-karting with your british friend,Simeon,at the weekend.
write an email to simeon.In your email you should:
invite him to join you
tell him what you want to do
say when you want to go

Răspuns :

Fiind e-mail trebuie sa scrii si from, to (de la, catre)
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Weekend
Hello Simeon, (buna simeon, sigur nu era simon?)
I've been thinking of going karting this weekend and i want to invite you to come with me. (M-am gandit sa merg la karting in acest weekend si vreau sate invit sa mergi cu mine)
So I've been thinking of going to Hangar 88 Hullavington Airfield, they have nice place there for karting, what about Saturday, want to come? (m-am gandit sa mergem la  Hangar 88 Hullavington Airfield, au loc dragut pentru karting, ce zici de samabta, vrei sa vii?)
I will wait for your answer. (voi astepta raspunsul tau)

Ps: Hangar 88 Hullavington Airfield (chiar este un loc de karting in U.K.- Anglia)