
Ajutați-mă va rog mult vr și eu 10 propoziție în engleza cu "was și were ".,dar le și traduceți,va rog dau coroana

Răspuns :

Was =>

1) Last summer I was at my grandparents. (vara trecuta am fost la bunici)
2) Eric was the first on the list. (eric a fost primul pe lista)
3) When I was a kid I watched a lot of cartoons. (cand am fost copil m-am uitat la o gramada de desene animate)
4) My cat was sick twice. (pisica mea a fost bolnava de doua ori)
5) My favorite toy was a plastic little scooby doo toy. (jucaria mea preferata a fost o jucarie mica de plastic in forma de scooby doo)
6) Yesterday my hat was missing from the closet. (ieri paralia mea a lipsit din dulap)
7) My mom was at the supermarket today. (mama mea a fost la supermarket azi)
8) My dad was going to buy me a new bike, then he changed his mind. (tatal meu era sa-mi cumpere o bicicleta, apoi s-a razgandit)
9) His bike was old. (bicicleta lui era veche)
10) Her hair was amazing. (parul ei era uimitor)

Were =>
1) Which were the arguments? (care au fost argumentele)
2) Where were those books? (unde au fost acele carti?)
3) What would you have done if they were winning?( ce ai fi facut daca ei ar fi castigat?)
4) Where were you? (unde ai fost?)
5) We were really bored. (noi am fost foarte plictisiti)
6) My colleagues were amused. (colegii mei au fost amuzati)
7) Their balloons were all over the place. (baloanele lor erau peste tot)
8) Their clothes were wet. (hainele lor erau ude)
9) The latest games were interesting. (ultimele jocuri au fost interesante)
10) My parents were happy. (parintii mei au fost multumiti)