
O compunere in engleza in vacanta la dubai cu mn n prieten

Răspuns :

Last summer I decided to go with my friend in Dubai. I can't fully describe how awesome it was but I will try to do my best. So there are these huge buildings, I think it's one of the most evolved cities in the world, it seemed so to me and my friend was amazed as well. Dubai it's a metropolis so imagine how huge it is and full of all kind of people, religions, colors, nations, all in one place. We were walking on the streets towards our hotel and we heard at least three languages we never heard before and we were trying to guess what they were.
So we checked-in at our hotels and we were lucky to have some amazing panoramic view from our hotel rooms and we made lots of pictures with it. After that we went in the city, we tried to see as much as possible and we made tons and tons of pictures. It was really a fun experience and both me and my friend would repeat it again.

Traducere => Vara trecuta am decis sa ma duc cu prietenul meu in Dubai. Nu pot descrie in totalitate cat de minunat a fost dar imi voi da silinta. Deci erau aceste cladiri imense, cred ca e unul dintre cele mai evoluate orase din lume, asa mi s-a parut iar prietenul meu a fost impresionat si el. Dubai este o metropola deci imagineaza-ti cat de imens e si e plin de tot felul de oameni, religii, culori, natiuni, toti in acelasi loc. Mergeam pe strada inspre hotelul nostru si am auzit cel putin 3 limbi ce nu le auzisem inainte si incercam sa descoperim ce limbi sunt.
Deci ne-am cazat la hotel si am fost norocosi sa avem parte de o vedere panoramica uimitoare din camerele noastre de hotel si am facut o gramada de poze de acolo.
Dupa aia am mers in oras, am incercat sa vedem cat mai multe posibil si am facut o grmada de poze. A fost o experienta placuta iar eu si prietenul meu am repeta-o din nou.