
Un referat despre 7 minuni ale Romaniei in engleza, nivel de clasa a 7-a, va rog!

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We all know Romania is a beautiful country. Even if we don't know all the beautiful hidden places our country has, we can try to learn some of them or discover them. The (1) mountains, (2) the caves, (3) the black sea, (4) the forests, (5) the lakes, (6) the castles, (7) the waterfalls in the mountains. I'm going to give one example of each to prove you how wonderful Romania is.
The mountains... the most beautiful places in Romania we find in our mountains. The Bicaz Canyon, for example, it's a place broken from the heavens. 
The caves. We have plenty of caves in our country but I find the most beautiful one the Glacier from live fire ( Pestera Ghetarul de la focul viu). It's situated in Bihor and it's known for it's phenomen that happens around noontime when sunlight beats on the glacier and it looks like it's on fire, even if it's ice inside.
We most heard of the Black Sea (Marea Neagra) and The Danube Delta (Delta Dunarii). Can you imagine the sound, the smell, the sunsets? Can you picture it in the winter when everything freezes? Just beautiful.
About the forests, we have more than you can imagine. In 2013 for example they discovered a place that they later called it The tunnel of love (tunelul iubirii). It's a place where trees look like they're holding hands above an old railway. It was discovered by two amateur photographers and it went on European list of hidden unique places in Europe.
If when I say lake you imagine a pond of water in the middle of wildhood or in a city. Well imagine a lake wich changes it's colour depending on the light. Yes we have such a hidden place in our country, it's called The Blue Lake.
Now the castles. We have beautiful castles in Romania but I find the most beautiful and well made Corvin's Castle. It's situated in Hunedoara and it was the medieval fortress of Hunedoara.
If you think we don't have waterfalls in our country, you're very wrong. We might not have the biggest waterfalls in the world but we certainly have wonderful ones. Waterfall Bigar for example, it's a beautiful waterfall in all the seasons of the year.
In conclusion, Romania has many hidden wonderful places and it's a miracle in it's own way.
Iti recomand sa citesti sau macar sa vezi cateva poze din exemplele date ca sa stii despre ce sa vorbesti in caz ca te intreaba profesoara. Ai asa: 1. Muntii (ti-am dat ca exemplu cheile bicazului, situat in partea moldovei, piatra neamt), 2. Pesterile (ti-am dat exemplu pestera Ghetarul de la focul viu), 3. Marea neagra si delta dunarii, 4. Padurile din Romania si ti-am dat exemplu Tunelul Iubirii descoperit intr-o padure in Romania, 5. Lacuri (ti-am dat exemplu Lacul albastru, e frumos fiindca isi schimba culoarea in functie de lumina, 6. Castele (castelul Corvinilor, situat in Hunedoara), 7. Cascada Bigar.
Coroana daca iei 10? :D
Mult succes si sper ca te-a ajutat ^_^