
The climb was one of the hardest that we had ever done and we were worried about losing our way without a compass. But suddenly there it was: the entrance to the cave. We rushed in, finding our way in the torchlight. It took only a few minutes to cut through the undergrowth which covered the chest and carry the chest outside.
I can't describe my feelings as we opened it and saw what was inside. I think I felt like Hiram Bingham, the American archeologist who in 1911 had identified Uiticos as the last Inca capital. I was totally speechless!
de tradus dau coroana

Răspuns :

Urcarea a fost una dintre cele mai grele pe care am facut-o vreodata si am fost ingrijorati sa nu ne pierdem fara o busola. Dar dintr-o data acolo era: intrarea in pestera. Ne-am grabit, gasindu-ne calea la lumina de facla (sau lumina unei lanterne). Ne-a luat doar cateva minute sa taiem printre tufisurile ce acopereau cufarul si sa-l caram afara. Nu pot descrie ce-am simtit cand l-am deschis si am vazut ce era inauntru. Cred ca m-am simtit ca Hiram Bingham, arheologistul american care a indentificat (gasit) in 1911 Uiticos ca ultima capitala a Inca. Am ramas fara cuvinte!

Traducerea corecta este la timpul trecut. Succes!