
Am nevoie de o scrisoare catre un prieten unde sa ii spun despre vacanţa mea:
-In ce tara am fost (Spania de preferat)
-Ce am facut acolo in ultima zi
-Cum a fost vremea in timpul vacantei.

Răspuns :

Dear friend, 
I received your letter, i'm glad you had such a wonderful time in Australia. As you know, i went to Spania this holiday together with my family. We were visiting my uncle there, he has a big and nice house in Milano. He showed us as much as he could in those five days we spend there. 
In our last day we visited Piazza del Duomo. It's extremly beautiful there and we had such a friendly and funny guide! 
All the people from there are very nice and friendly, i can't wait to travel again in Spain, especially because the weather it's so warm and sunny. I loved it
Your friend, *numele tau*