
Am nevoie de traducerea acestei scrisori va roog:
Dear Barbara,
I'm writing to let you know the arrangements four our evening at the Jazz Club in Oxford .I've arranged for us to go on Friday 9th February. Could you let me know as soon as possible if you're bot going to be able to make it?
We are travelling to Oxford by minibus. The bus will pick us up outside the Town Hall at 5.30 . The driver says the journey will take around two hours . Although you can get food at the club , it's quite expensive and so I suggesr that you eat before you come.
There are plenty of tickets so we'll buy them when we get there.They're slightly cheaper before 8 p.m . The show finishes at 10.30 , wich means that we won't back until about 12.30 .I hope that's convenient for everyone .
If I don't hear from you,I'll see you on Friday 9th February at 5.30 .Please don't be late as the bus won't wait longer than ten minutes. By the way, don't forget to tell your host family that you'll need an early supper . "
Va rooog

Răspuns :

Draga Barbara ,iti scriu ca sa.ti aduc la cunostinta aranjamentele pntru seara noastra la jazz club in oxford.Am aranjat pentru noi sa mergem vineri in data de 9 febroarie.Imi poti raspunde cat de repede posibil daca poti veni?Vom merge la Oxford cu minnibusul.Busul ne va loa din fata primariei la 5:30.Soferul a spus ca aceasta calatorie va dura in jur de doua ore.Tu poti manca la club,este cam scump asa ca iti sugerez sa mananci inainte.Biletele le vom cumpara acolo.Shoul se sfarseste la 10:30 ceea ce inseamna ca ju vom putea ajunge inapoi pana la 12:30.Sper sa fie convenabil pt toata lumea.Daca nu aud de tn ne vedem vineri in data 9 febroarie la ora 5:30 .Te rog sa nu intarzii busul nu va astepte mai mult de cateva min.Ultima fraza nu o prea inteleg