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Chris a fost în Alpi. El a călătorit cu trenul. A locuit într-un hotel. A stat zece zile acolo si a facut alpinism. A fost foarte activ.

Tom a fost in Roma. A călători cu avionul. A stat într -un hotel timp de o săptămână. A vizitat Coloseul, orașul Vatican, templele si bisericile.

Angela a fost în Germania. A călătorit cu mașina. A stat in casa verisorului ei cinci zile. S-a plimbat prin oras şi în pădurea neagră. Nu a fost foarte activă, cred.

Răspuns :

Chris went to the Alps. He traveled by train. He lived in a hotel. He stayed ten days there and he practiced climbing. He was very active.

Tom went to Rome, he traveled by airplane. He stayed in a hotel for a week. He visited the Colosseum, Vatican, the temples and the churches.

Angela went to Germany. She traveled by car. She stayed in her cousin's house for five days. She took a walk trough the town and the Black Forest. She wasn't too active, I think

Chris went on Alpi mountains. He went there with the train. He lived in a Hotel. He stayed there 10 days and he did climbing. He was very activ.
Tom went in Roma. He went there with the airplane. He lived in a Hotel for a week. He visited Coloseum, the Vatican City, the Temples and the Churches.
Angela went in German. She went there with the car. She lived in her causin house for 5 days. She walked in the city and in the Black Forest. She wasn't that activ..... I think