
Translate sentences : ( Fără Google Translate )
1.Many countries use fossil fuels , such as coal, to generate electricity.
2. Global warming is caused by high levels of dangerous gases in the atmosphere .
3. It's freezing cold. Do up your coat .
4. Wind is a renewable source of energy.
5. Many species of fish have been wiped out by overfishing.
6. Many forests in Europe have been damaged by acid rain .
7. Tony is more reliable than Billy
8. She will be late for class if she doesn't leave now.
9. He is highly young to drive.
10. He doesn't have enaugh money to buy a new car.
11. Wind power offers a solution to energy problems.
12. Pandas are considered a(n) endangered species .
13. Jeff didn't pay his bill, so now his electricity has been cut off.
14. Big Ben dates back to the mid-1800s.
15. That was the most interesting film have ever seen.
16. I can't stand people who tell lies .
17. We should protect animals' natural habitat.
18. Unless you drive more carefully, you'll have an accident.
19. The museum is open to the publiuc daily from 9:00am to 6:00pm.
20. The ozone layer protects the earth from the sun's harmful rays.
21. The old Victorian building has been restored to its original condition.
22. Anita is always willing to lend an ear when I've got a problem.
23. Pete had butterflies in his stomach the whole time he was on stage.
24. He can't help spaking slowly.
25. He is going to Malta next month.
26. We're looking forward to meeting Mr Brown.
27. He put a lot of effort into the project .
28. I'll drop you a line when I arrive.
29. The rainforest is home to many species of birds and animals.
30. There are lots of trendy shops to look in .

Răspuns :

1.       Multe tari folosesc combustibili fosili, cum e carbunele, ca sa produca electricitate.

2.       Incalzirea globala e cauzata de un nivel ridicate de gaze daunatoare in atmosfera.

3.       E frig de-ngheata pietrele. Pune-ti paltonul.

4.       Vantul e o sursa regenerabila de energie.

5.       Multe specii de pesti au fost distruse din cauza pescuitului excesiv.

6.       Multe paduri din Europa au fost degradate de ploi acide.

7.       Toni e mai serios/mai de incredere decat Billy.

8.       Ea va intarsia la ora daca nu pleaca acum.

9.       El e mult prea tanar ca sa conduca.

10.   El n-are destui bani ca sa cumpere o masina noua.

11.   Energia eoliana ofera o solutie problemelor energetice.

12.   Panda sunt considerati o specie amenintata/periclitata.

13.   Jeff nu si-a platit factura, asa ca i-a fost taiat curentul.

14.   Big Ben dateaza de la mijlocul anilor 1800.

15.   Acela a fost cel mai interesant film vazut vreodata.

16.   Nu pot suferi oamenii care spun minciuni.

17.   Ar trebui sa protejam habitatele naturale ale animalelor.

18.   Daca nu conduci mai atenti, vei face un accident.

19.   Muzeul e deschis publicului in fiecare zi de la 9 dimineata la 6 seara.

20.   Stratul de ozon protejeaza pamantul de razele daunatoare ale soarelui.

21.   Vechea cladire victoriana a fost adusa la starea initiala.

22.   Anita e intotdeauna dornica sa-si plece urechea cand am vreo problema.

23.   Pete simtea fluturi in stomac cat timp a fost pe scena.

24.   El nu se poate abtine sa nu vorbeasca incet.

25.   El pleaca in Malta luna viitoare.

26.   Abia asteptam sa il cunoastem pe dl. Brown.

27.   El a depus un efort foarte mare la realizarea proiectului.

28.   Iti trimit cateva randuri dupa ce sosesc.

29.   Padurea tropicala e adapostul multor specii de pasari si animale.

30.   Exista o multime de magazine la moda in care sa ne uitam.