
vreau si eu o poveste narativa in engleza cu titlul ''o calatorie spre sfarsitul lumii''am nevoie URGENT!!!!!!!!! ofer 90 PUNCTE

Răspuns :

I always wanted to visit places I've never heard of before, wild yet beautiful places never seen before by man. That chance was given to me when some scientists were travelling to the north pole for some scientific measurements. They would offer a free trip to the north pole if you are up for a challenge and I decided I would take my chance. 
The trip was very long, but once we got there and got out of the ship, I was instantly shocked by the coldness of the air. It was all white around me, and not a single sliver of life except for my teammates. Such an untamed land, with such a special condition, made me appreciate my warm place called home. Only when you see, how bad the situation can be, you start to appreciate the things you are already used to.
We continued to stop from time to time to let the scientists to their thing, but I rarely got out of the trucks. Such an unforgiving land gives no change to those unprepared like me. I couldn't spot a polar bear or any kind of animals except birds. One thing was sure: those tales where there are happy animals living/swimming at the north pole are all false. It is really the end of the world and you have to be really tough to survive