
Scrieti un text in limba engleza in care sa folostiti verbe la timpurile past simple si past continuous!

Răspuns :

Hello ! :)

Answer :

   The day I discovered a site that changed my life

 Many people who were once pupils would agree that doing your homework everyday , after a tiring day of school , wasn't the easiest thing to do. What is more ,  people of older generation did not have the tools that most of us nowadays have . Therefore, things were even more difficult for them. On the other hand , the school programme in our days is more complicated and students can't keep up with the enormous amount of work they have to deal with every day. Unfortunately , I felt disappointed in myself for some time because I could not understand some subjects in school . However , this did not last long due to the incredible website I discovered.

 One day, I was having trouble understanding a math exercise. I sat for hours panicking over something I could not understand. While I was trying to solve this equation , a brilliant idea came to my mind. I tried googling this exercise but without any satisfactory result . I felt helpless. I was contemplating  whether to miss school the next day or not, in order to avoid a bad mark. While I was thinking for reasons to skip school I noticed this website. The following message appeared on my screen : '' Go from questioning to understanding " . Yes! This was exactly what I was needing ! For a second, I could not believe that such a website existed. Step by step, this site guided me . With a little bit of hesitation, I posted my first question on the website. One minute later, while I was trembling with emotion, a notification popped up ! It was saying : ''Someone answered your question ! " In matter of milliseconds, I clicked on it and in front of me was displayed a full answer to my dilemma. While I was reading the explanation to my question, I felt that I was finally getting  to the bottom of it. I was finally understanding this subject! What I must say is that I had never wanted to go to school as badly as I did that day. I even imagined myself explaining the exercise in front of my classmates.

 That was when I fell in love with Brainly.ro . For me, this educational tool is still the best existing one on all platforms. It has helped me a lot during all these years , from the beggining of middle school to the end of highschool and I keep paying my tributes to it and everyone who made and still makes this site greater and greater each day.

Notes :

Words in bold : Past Simple

Words in bold and italic : Past Continuous.