
I have in a large and beautiful village. my village is on a river. It is on a river it is near the near the river there is a large the numery school are on the left.The general stores and the hospital are on the right. There are a beat of beautiful house in my village. Tere are flowers in front of each house there are arcchards and wgtable gardens bebind the Houser.the people in my village work very hard. They raise a bot of cuws and pictures they also grow whet and maize gar the balm my paents on the farm. The people . Cine îmi traduce are corona. Urgent

Răspuns :

Am un sat mare si frumos. Satul meu este langa un rau. Tot langa rau este o scoala mare primara in partea stanga. Hipermarketurile si spitalul sunt pe dreapta. Sunt case frumoase in satul meu. Acolo exista flori in fata fiecarei case, iar in spate gradini de legume. Oamenii din satul meu muncesc din greu.