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in engleza

Salut ! numele meu este Bogdan, locuiesc in Calaras, am o frumoasa varsta de 17 ani. am ochii verzi si parul saten. Sunt o persoana sincera, sociabila si intelegatoare. Imi place sa muncesc si cand e nevoie ajut unde trebuie. Imi place sa ma implic un unele activitati pentru experienta. Stiu ce este respectul si mereu respect persoanele ce ma respecta, "Respecta ca sa fii respectat". Ma integrez repede intr-un colectiv si invat repede ce am de facut. Imi place sa-mi fac multi prieteni noi. Sunt calm in orice situatie, inainte de a lua o decizie importanta ma gandesc de doua ori inainte de a o lua

Răspuns :

Hello ! My name is Bogdan
I live in Calaras,
I have  17 years old.
I have green eyes and brown hair.
I am an honest person, sociable and understanding.
I like to work and when is  need help i am there. I like to do  some activities to experience. I know what is respect and always respect people who respect me, "Respect to be respected."
I quickly integrate into a team and learn quickly what i have done.
I like to make me new friends.
I am calm in any situation, before taking an important decision think
 I twice before take a decision.
Hi my name ia Bogdan. I live in town Calaras. I am 17 years old. My eyes is green and my hair is brown. I am frankly person sociable and unknowing. I like to implic myself in many experimets. I know what is respect and i always respect every person. Respec to be respected. I quickly integrate into a team and learn quickly what we have done. I like to make many friends. I calm person in any situation, before taking an important decision thinking twice before taking a decision