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Cea mai buna zi din viata mea a fost atunci cand mi-am revazut cea mai buna prietena, dupa mult timp. Ea plecase in alt oras cu cateva luni in urma si intr-o zi, mi-a facut o surpriza minunata, atunci cand m-am intalnit cu ea in parc.
Eu faceam o plimbare atunci cand ea m-a sunat ca sa ma intrebe unde sunt. I-am spus locul, apoi am auzit-o prin telefon spunandu-mi sa ma intorc. Ea era chiar in spatele meu. Ne-am imbratisat strans, fiind foarte fericite ca ne-am reintalnit. Mi-a spus ca nu va ramane mult, insa o singura zi era suficient pentru a ne alina dorul.
Am petrecut toata ziua impreuna: am mers cu barca, am mers la film, am mancat prajituri la o cofetarie, iar la finalul zilei am jucat volei in curtea casei mele. Desi incepuse sa ploua, nu am intrat in casa pana meciul nu s-a incheiat. Totusi, inainte sa intram in casa, am alergat cateva minute prin ploaia răcoroasă.
Ea a ramas la mine, asa ca am comandat pizza si ne-am uitat la filme toata noaptea.
Cu toate ca am racit, aceea a fost cu siguranta cea mai buna zi din viata mea.

Răspuns :

The best day of my life was when I saw my best friend after a long time. She had gone to another city a few months ago and one day, I made a wonderful surprise when I met her in the park. I take a walk when she called me to ask me where I am. I said instead, then I heard the phone telling me to go back. She was right behind me. We hugged tight, very happy that we have reunited. She said that she will not get much, but one day was enough to soothe our longing. I spent all day together: we went by boat, we went to the movies, ate donuts at a cafeteria, and at the end of the day I played volleyball in the backyard of my house. Although it started to rain, I went home until the match is not over. However, before entering the house, I ran through the rain cool a few minutes. She stayed with me, so I ordered pizza and we watched movies all night. Although I cooled down, that was definitely the best day of my life.