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In aceasta scurta vacanta am fost intr-o excursie de doua zile la munte.Am vizitat Castelul Cantacuzino, Castelul Bran si Cetatea Rasnov.Dupa ce am vizitat toate aceste locuri,am mers la cabana pentru a ne caza.Acolo ne-am jucat biliard ,ping pong ,iar mai pe seara am dat o petrecere. A doua zi am fost la partie unde ne-am dat cu snowboard-ul dupa care am pornit spre casa.
A fost o excursie distractiva

Răspuns :

In this it was on a short holiday trip Two days munte.Am visited Cantacuzino Castle, Bran Castle and Fortress Rasnov.Dupa I visited all these places, I went to Cabana to us caza.Acolo we played Pool , ping-pong, the evening AND we had a party. One day it was part two in Where we have given to the care-snowboard are home to after running.It was a fun trip.Sper ca team ajutat 
on this short vacation I was on a trip at the mountain for two days. I visited Cantacuzino Castel, Bran Castel and Râșnov fortress. After I visited all of this, I went to the chalet for housing. There we play biliards, ping pong, and in the night we have a party. The second day we went on the ski slope where we sled with the snowboard, and after we went home. It was a funny trip.