
Traduceti in engleza: Pentru noua generatie, scopul pedepsei este sa ii invete pe tineri cum sa fie disciplinati dupa ce ei au facut ceva gresit. In societatea in care traim, toti suntem pedepsiti. Suntem amendati daca depasim viteza legala, suntem bagati la inchisoare daca furam sau vindem droguri. Cu toate ca oamenii sunt pedepsiti pentru infractiunile pe care le desavarsesc, nimeni nu ii invata, dupa ce au gresit, ce sa faca astfel incat ei sa isi poata schimba comportamentul. Adica, pedepsind, nu vom invata pe cineva sa rezolve problema care a condus la fapta pentru care a fost pedepsit. De exemplu, pedepsele pot provoca sentimente confuze copiilor, se pot simti frustrati, umiliti sau chiar pot avea impresia ca nu sunt iubiti. Eu cred ca, in cazul unui tanar, este recomandata o comunicare stransa intre copil si cel care vrea sa il pedepseasca, si ar trebui sa i se explice copilului unde a gresit si ce se asteapta de la el.

Răspuns :

For the new generation, the purpose of punishment is to teach them how to be disciplined after they did something wrong.In the present day society, everyone is punished.We are fined if we go pass the speed limit, we are put in jail if we steal or sell drugs.And with all this, nobody teaches those who did wrong how to change their behaviour. In other words, punishing won't help solve the problem of the individual, problem that made him do what he has done. For example, punishments can result in kids feeling confused, humiliated or even feeling like they are not loved. I belive that, speaking of a teenager, the communication is the key. The one that wants to punish the kid should explain him first what he has done wrong and what he needs to do to fix his mistake.
For the new generation, the purpose of punishment is to teach them how to be disciplined after they did something wrong.In the present day society, everyone is punished.We are fined if we go pass the speed limit, we are put in jail if we steal or sell drugs.And with all this, nobody teaches those who did wrong how to change their behaviour. In other words, punishing won't help solve the problem of the individual, problem that made him do what he has done. For example, punishments can result in kids feeling confused, humiliated or even feeling like they are not loved. I belive that, speaking of a teenager, the communication is the key. sper sa-ti placa