
After an early breakfast in Pisac, we filled oau water bottles and set aut once more, Juan, the villager whose rowing boat we had borrowed, had told us to follow the Urubamba River.For the first hour or so we managed to row the boat, but we soon came to a place where the vegetation was very overgrown so we couldn't continue . We all got aut and tried to pull the boat onto the river bank.It was exhausting work and it was getting very hot, so we decided to tie the boat to a branch instead. I took some rope from my backpack but it snapped. In the end we had to use Maria's belt, although she really wasn't happy about this .
We set off again, but on foot. At about midday we reached the point where the river wound to the right. On the left we could see Mount Huayna Picchu, the mountain which Luis had mentioned when he told us about the cave. The mountain was hight and steep so we decided to rest for a while before starting the climb.
We sat down and had a drink and some of the water biscuits we’d got a few days before in Cuzco, the city where we had met Luis. Robertto took out his map and compass and checked the route. ‘Fine,’ he said. ‘The cave can’t be far.’ It was here, we think, that Roberto’s compass got lost. We searched high and low but we never found it. Maria said it was probably Manco Capac’s spirit who had hidden it. People say Capac is the king who founded the Inca Empire. Was his spirit trying to tell us something? We decided it was best not to think about it.
The climb was one of the hardest that we had ever done, and we were worried about losing our way without a compass. But suddenly there it was: the entrance to the cave. We rushed in, finding our way in the torchlight. It took only a few minutes to cut throught the undergrowth which covered the chest an carry the chest outside.
I can’t describe my feelings as we opened it and saw what was inside. I think I felt like Hiram Bingham, the American archeologist who in 1911 had indentified Uiticos as the last Inca capital. I was totally speechless!Traduceti va rog !

Răspuns :

Dupa un mic dejun tarziu un Pisac, ne-am umplut sticlele de apa si am iesit pe rau inca o data , Juan, sateanul a carui barca cu vasle am imprumutat-o, ne-a spus sa urmariu raul Urubamba.In prima or am reusit sa vaslim, dar curand am ajuns intr-un loc unde vegetati era abundenta si nu am putut continua.Toti am iesit din barca si am incercat sa o tragem pe mal.A fost obositor si devenise destul de cald, asa ca am decis sa legam barca de o creanga.Am luat niste franghie din ghiozdanul meu dar s-a rupt. In final, am folosit cureaua Mariei, chiar daca ea nu era fericita in legatura cu asta.Am plecat din nou , dar pe jos.La aproape mijlocul zilei am ajuns la punctul unde raul o lua la dreapta. In stanga puteam vedea Muntele Huayna Picchu, muntele despre care Luis a mentionat cand ne-a spus despre pestera. Multele era foarte inalt si abrupt asa ca am decis sa ne odihnim pentru o vreme inainte de a incepe urcarea.Am stat jos si am baut apa si am mancat niste biscuiti pe care i-am luat cateva zile anterior inCuzca, orasul in care l-am intalnit pe Luis. Roberto a scos harta si busola si s-a uitat la ruta.'Bine' zise el.'Pestera nu poate departe'.Era aici unde si-a pierdut Roberto busola , credem.Am cautat peste tot dar nu am mai gasit-o.Maria a zis ca probabil spiritul lui Manco Capac l-a ascuns. Se zice ca Capac este regele care a fondat Imperiul Incas. Oare spiritul incerca sa ne spuna ceva?Am decis sa nu ne gandim la asta.Urcarea a fost un din cele mai grele pe care le-am facut,si eram ingrijorati sa nu ne pierdem fara busola.Ne-am grabit , mergand cu lanterna.A durat doar cateva minute sa taiem prin lastar care acoperea cufarul, si l-am carat afara.Nu pot descrie sentimentele pe care le-am trait in timp ce deschideam cufarul si am vazut ce era inauntru.Cred ca m-am simtit ca Hiram Bingham, arheologul american care in 1911 a identificat Uiticos ca ultima capitala a Imperiului Incas.Am ramas fara cuvinte!
Sper ca te-am ajutat ! ;)