
Descrıbıng the people ınvolved ın the space launch.Change the fırst sentence usıng the cues gıven. 1.The older astronaut has less haır.He ıs wavıng to the ground staff.The older astronaut ıs the one.......................... 2.The doctor ıs very tall.He has a whıte coat and a stethoscope.The tall man..........................is the doctor. 3.The Chief Engineer is wearıng glasses.He is inspecting the control panel.The man.........................................is the Chıef Engıneer.

Răspuns :

1.The older astronaut is the one who has less hair and is waving to the ground staff
2.The tall man with a white stethoscope and a white coat is the doctor.
3.The man who's wearing glasses and is inspecting the control panel is the Chief Engineer.