
De alcatuit un dialog cu cuvintele : path grass flowers bin trees playground fountain litter

Răspuns :

Two posh ladies were walking on the path that crossed the entire playground. They began talking, keeping, of course, an eye out for their screaming little children.
"I do not understand why people cannot throw their trash in the bin, it is outrageous the nerve of others these days," Mrs. Longbottom said.
"I wholeheartedly agree," an annoyed Mrs. Burgundy answered, "the entire playground is littered with paper, used tissues and cady wrappers."
"And look at this!" Longbottom looked accusingly at the grass.
"Oh, the poor flowers," Mrs. Burgundy cried out. "Even the fountain is dirty," she muttered.
"The next thing you know, the trees will be hosting wrappers and all kinds of garbage," the other lady huffed.
The two of them continued to criticise the park in hushed voices.