
Tradu in engleza urm propozitii:
1. Când ei au ajuns acasa cina era gata.
2. Weekendul trecut , mama m-a dus la piscina si am fost foarte bucuros.
3. In timp ce fratii mei inotau in rau eu citeam o carte pe mal
4. Când am terminat scoala citeam in continuare foarte mult.
5. Schimbam niste bani când un hot a vrut sa ma jefuiasca.

Răspuns :

1. When they got home, dinner was ready.
2. Last weekend, my mother took me to the pool and I was very happy.
3. While my brothers were swimming in the river, I was reading a book on shore
4. When I finished school I read a lot further
5. I exchange some money when a thief wanted to rob me
When they reached home,the dinner was ready.
Last weekend,my mother brought me to the pool and I was realy happy.
While my brothers were swimming in the river,I was reading a book on the beach.
When I finished school, I continued to read very much.
I was changing some money when a thief wanted to (a jefui) me.