
cine imi raspunde la aceste intrebari? trebuie sa spune-ti despre filmul/serialul preferat in engeza...
What kind of film was it?
Who was in it?
What was it about?
Did you like it?
tradu intrebarile si apoi raspunde!!
Dau coroana

Răspuns :

What kind of film was it? Ce fel de film a fost?It was an action film
Who was in it?Ce personaje au fost in el?Aici trebuie sa stiu despre film
What was it about?Despre ce a fost?         ^^
Did you like it?Ti-a placut?Yes, I did/No,I didn't
What kind of film was it?Ce tip de film a fost?
Who was in it?  Ce actori au jucat?
What was it about?Despre ce a fost?(subiectull principal)
Did you like it?Ti-a placut?

This film is  a serial.The actors are:Tyler Posey, Dylan O'Brien, Holland Roden, Linden Ashby, Tyler Heklin.This serial is about somewhat awkward teen is attacked by a werewolf and inherits the curse himself, as well as the enemies that come with it.I like this film very much.
(Acest film este un serial .Actorii sunt principali sunt:
Tyler Posey, Dylan O'Brien, Holland Roden, Linden Ashby, Tyler Heklin.Acest serial este despre  un adolescent oarecum ciudat care este atacat de un vârcolac și moștenește blestemul însuși, precum și dușmani care vin cu el.Acest film mi-a placut foarte mult)Â