
Traducerea retetei de mai jos :

Spicy chicken and potato

In a large pot over medium heat, mix the chicken, potatoes, carrots, onion, sugar, and garlic. Pour in water and soy sauce, and stir in sugar and hot pepper paste.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer 45 minutes, until chicken juices run clear, vegetables are tender, and liquid has thickened. Serve with hot cooked rice.

Răspuns :

Gaina piperata si cartofi
Intr-un vas mare la caldura medie, amestecati gaina, cartofii, morcovii, ceapa, zaharul si ustoroiul. Turnati apa si sos de soia, si amestecati zahar si pasta de ardei iute. Aduceti la fierbere, reduceti caldura mai mica, si fierbeti 45 de minute, pina cind sucul de pui este clar (?), legumele sunt moi, si lichidul s-a ingrosat. Serviti cu orez gatit cald.