
Care imi traduce in engleza ?Dau multumesc ,coroana si multe puncte .Vara ne adunam cu totii si jucam tupu ,mata,ne plimbam cu bicicletele,mergeam in parc ,ne bateam cu apa ,jucam carti , mergeam la furat cirese .Iarna mergeam la colindat ,la sanius si stateam de dimineata pana seara neavand grija temelor sau a zilei de maine ,copii fiind.Totul era mai usor pe atunci . Prima data cand am invatat sa mergem cu biciletele si prima lovitura a fost si va fi de neuitat .Cand am invatat sa conducem sania desi la inceput mai luam cate un copac .Ne bateam de la jucarii ,eram veseli si energiti .faceam rafaelo din pamant si cocos ,ne jucam de-a mama si de-a tata .Primi anii din viata de elev au facut partea din copilaria noastra ,perioada in care invatatoarea se straduia sa ne educe si sa ne formeze pe vitor .Toate aceste momente au trecut prea rapid si acum suntem niste adolescenti .

Răspuns :

We gather all summer and play Tupu, mat, walk bikes, go to the park, we beat water, play cards, go to steal cherries .Iarna went caroling, sledding and sitting from morning to evening or lacking care topics of tomorrow, children fiind.Totul was easier then. The first time I learned to go with the bike and the first hit was and will be unforgettable .When I learned to drive sled although at first we take a tree .We each beat of toys, was cheerful and energetic .faceam the ground Rafaelo and coconut to play the mother and the father .home years of student life were part of our childhood, during which the teacher was trying to educate us and train us on vitor .All these moments have passed too fast and now we are like teenagers