
Imi puteti traduce in engleza? Imi trebuie pana la 12, va rog rumos.

Scoala dupa cum bine stim, este institutia care pregateste, educa membrii ai societatii in vederea socializariilui. Scoala este cea care ne deschide ochii catre universal cunoasterii, lumii in care traim. Scoala are rolul si de a-I dezvolta aptitudinile oamenilor in activitatile sale din societate. Totodata scoala ajuta copii formandu-le buna conditie in relatiile cu lumea inconjuratoare : mediul, alte grupuri de oamei, responsabilitati, obligatii si drepturi in scoietate.
Dea aceea se spune despre un om ca este scolit, adica a trecut prin scoala, este educat.

Răspuns :

School,as we know it,is the place where people learn how to interact with other peopel.School is the place where our mind learns to be hungry for knolege of the world.School has the role to develop your activity ability from the society.In the same time,school helps children to form their conection with the world:the planet,afther groups of persons,responsabilitys ,obligations and writes in the society.That is why  people say about a person that he is a cool head,it means that he finished the school,and he is educated.