
Work in pairs. Match the words with their definitions:
1. soap opera a) a short cinema film of news
2. scenario/script b) stories about imaginary future development in science
3. script-writer c) a full-length cinema film with an invented story and professional actors
4. news reel d) a daily or weekly continuing television story which is about daily life
5. dubbing e) a surface on which a cinema film is shown
6. feature film f) a writer of scripts for films, broadcasts, etc.
7. science fiction film g) a written description of the action to take place in a film
8. screen h) more advanced or complex than others
9. sophisticated i) changing the original spoken language of a film, show, etc.

Răspuns :



Work in pairs. Match the words with their definitions

Lucrați în perechi. Potriviți cuvintele cu definițiile lor



1. soap opera = d) a daily or weekly continuing television story which is about daily life

2. scenario script = g) a written description of the action to take place in a film

3. script-writer = f) a writer of scripts for films, broadcasts

4. newsreel = a) a short cinema film of news

5. dubbing = i) changing the original spoken language of a film, show etc .

6. feature film = c) a full length cinema film with an invented story and professional actors

7. science fiction film = b) stories about imaginary future development in science

8. screen = e) a surface on which a cinema film is shown

9. sophisticated = h) more advanced or complex than others



soap opera = telenovelă, serial

scenario script = scenariu

script-writer = scenarist

newsreel = secvențe din film în scop publicitar

dubbing = dublaj

feature film = film de lung metraj

science fiction film = film sf (science fiction)

screen = ecran

sophisticated = sofisticat


Sfatul echipei brainly.ro:

Pentru rezolvarea unui exercițiu în care trebuie să potrivim un cuvânt cu o definiție, putem aborda două tehnici:

1. căutarea cuvântului-cheie în dicționar și unirea acestuia cu definiția

2. detectarea sensului definiției, care ne va ajuta să găsim cuvântul-cheie.
