
Help me !! imi trebuie cate o propozitie in engleza la fiecare cuvant :
to strike luckey
to agree
to behave
upside down
to trembling
all at once
to bursit into laughter
to bursit into tears
Cat de repede !! imi trebuie pana la ora 11:30 !! dau coronita !!!

Răspuns :

I hope to get a big grade( Soer sa iau o nota mare.)
I came in here to strike luckey( Am venit aici sa dau o lovitura norocoasa.)
I am a ladylike, not like you.(Eu sunt binecrescuta, nu ca tine.)
I agree with you answer.(Sunt de acord cu raspunsul tau.)
You have to behave in class(Trebuie sa te comporti educat in clasa)
All kids have phones nowadays.(Toti copii au telefoane in zilele de astazi)
My mother bought a new purse.(Mama mea a cumparat o poseta noua)
I am upside down at this test(Sunt cu susul in jos la testul acesta)
I am trembling watching this movie.(Eu tremur uitandu-ma la acest film)
I ate those candy all at once.(am mancat acele bomboane toate deodata.)
In the calss I usualy bursit into laughter(Eu in clasa,deobicei, bufnesc in ras)
At funerals I bursit into tears( La inmormantari eu bufnesc in lacrimi)