
The river has burst its banks and people are having to leave their homes quickly. Will the Kellys have to leave home too ? Tom Kelly was out on the river in his boat . It was only a little rowing boat, but there was nothing in the world loved more. It was raining, but Tom hardly noticed it. He didn't mind getting wet when he was out in his boat. 'Hey!' a man called from the path . 'You'd better watch out . Several trees have been blown down higher up the river and they're floating this way . Your boat could get smashed to pieces.' 'Thanks for the warning,' shoutedTom. 'I'll bring her in now.' He began to row towards the bank . The river was running so fast that it was difficult to control the oars. He tied the boat up and ran down the bank towards his house. 'You haven't been out on the river , have you ?' said Mrs Kelly . ' Oh, Tom, I hate it when tou go out in weather like this . It's awfully dangerous. You could easily be drowned.' Sorry, Mum, ' Said Tom. What's for supper?' 'I wanted to make pancakes,' said Mrs Kelly, 'but I haven't got any milk . Could you go next door, Tom, and ask Mrs Wilson if she canlet us have some ?' 'Do I have to ?' said Tom. He didn't know the wilsons well . He had seen Lucy sometimes. He liked her . He liked her a lot . But he hadn't spoken o her. He had always been to shy. 'If you want any supper . . . ' Mrs Kelly began. Suddenly , the telephone rang. Mrs Kelly answered it. She listened for a few mnutes, then she went pale . 'That was Mr Wilson,' she said . 'We've got to leave home at once . They're evacuating the whole street . The river banks have burst . There's going to be a flood !'
Traduceti-mi va rog !!!!

Răspuns :

Râul a ieşit din malurile sale şi oamenii sunt nevoiţi să-şi părăsească rapid casele. Va trebui şi familia Kelly să-şi părăsească casa? Tom Kelly plutea pe râu în barca sa. Era doar o mică barcă cu vâsle, dar nu era nimic altceva în lume pe care el iubea mai mult. Ploua, dar Tom cu greu a observat asta. El s-a împotrivit să se ude fiind în barca sa. "Hey" l-a strigat un om de pe cărare. " Mai bine ai grijă.Câţiva copaci au fost daţi jos mai sus de râu, şi ei plutesc în această direcţie. Barca ta poate să fie zdrobită în bucăţi". "Mulţumesc pentru avertizare", a strigat Tom. "O aduc imediat". El a început să vâslească spre mal. Râul curgea atât de repede, încât îi era tot mai greu să controleze vâslele. El a legat barca sus şi a fugit spre casa sa. "Tu nu ai fost pe râu, nu-i aşa?" a zis doamna Kelly. "Oh, Tom, urăsc când tu te duci fară pe aşa timp. Este grozav de periculos. Tu ai putea uşor să te îneci. "Scuze, mamă." a zis Tom. "Ce avem la cină?" "Am vrut să gătesc checuri" a zis doamna Kelly, "dar nu aveam lapte". "Ai putea să te duci la următoarea uşă (vecini) şi o rogi pe doamna Wilson să ne dea puţin?"  "Ar trebui?" a zis Tom. El nu ştia familia Wilson bine. El a văzut-o pe Lucy de mai multe ori. Ea i-a plăcut foarte mult. Dar el nu i-a vorbit. El mereu era foarte ruşinos. "Dacă tu vreai ceva la cină..." a început doamna kelly. Deodată, a sunat telefonul. Doamna Kelly a răspuns. Ea a ascultat câteva minute, pe urmă s-a făcut palidă. "Asta era doamna Wilson" a zis ea. "Noi trebuie să părăsim casa imediat. Ei evacuează toată strada. Malurile râului au explodat. Aici va fi o inundaţie!"