
Traduceti-mi in engleza eseul:
In opinia mea, nu limba vorbita de fiecare popor este cea care provoaca conflicte si razboaie. Aceasta este doar cea care ofera specificitate fiecarei tari, alaturi de traditii si obiceiuri. Gandirea este cea care izbucneste razboaie, deoarece fiecare popor isi urmareste propriile interese.
In primul rand, atunci cand se isca un conflict principalele motive sunt economia si resursele. Astfel, o tara decide imbunatatire in plan social, ceea ce duce la izbucnirea unor razboaie. Fiecare stat isi urmareste interesele.
In al doilea rand, oamenii ar avea propiul mod de gandire iar simplul fapt ca vorbesc aceasi limba nu i-ar ajuta sa ajunga la un numitor comun.
In concluzie, nu sunt de acord cu afirmatia de mai sus.
va rog mult sa ma ajutati!

Răspuns :

In my opinion, spoken by every people is what causes conflicts and wars. This is just what gives specificity of each country, with traditions and customs. The thinking is that the war broke out, as each nation pursues its own interests. First, when a conflict arise economy and resources are the main reasons. Thus, a country decide social improvement, leading to the outbreak of wars. Each state pursues its interests. Secondly, people should have your own way of thinking and speaking the same language simply because they would not help them reach a consensus. In conclusion, I disagree with the above statement.
Sper ca te-am ajutat!
In my opinion, not the spoken language is the reason of conflicts and wars. This is that offers specificity for each country, parallel with the traditions and customs. The perceptions and te way of thinking is that create the war, because each nation is focus on her own interests.
  In the first line, when a conflict arise, the principal reasons are the economy and resources. So, a country decides the social improvement, what makes a war to start. Each nation is focus to her own interests.
 In the second line, the people would have their own way of thinking, and the simple fact that they don t speak the same language can t help them to reach a common opinion.
  In conclusion,I disagree the previous statement.