Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs in Simple Past or Past Progressive.
Completeaza propozitiile cu forma corecta a verbelor la timpul Trecut Simplu sau Trecut Continuu.
How I broke My Leg
Cum mi-am rupt piciorul
It happened last week.
S-a intamplat saptamana trecuta.
I was playing in my grandparents' garden.
Ma jucam in gradina bunicilor.
The weather was fine.
Vremea era frumoasa.
The sun was shining.
Soarele stralucea.
I was playing with my dog.
Ma jucam cu cainele meu.
I was climbing a tall tree when a branch broke.
Ma urcam intr-un copac cand o creanga s-a rupt.
I fell out of the tree and I broke my leg.
Am cazut jos si mi-am rupt piciorul.
When my Grandpa came, I was sitting under the tree.
Cand a venit bunicul, stateam sub copac.
He took me to the hospital.
El m-a dus la spital.